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Psychic Bonnie

Clairsentient Psychics

Discover Your Emotional Depths – Connect with a Clairsentient Psychic Today!

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Have you ever walked into a room and immediately felt strong vibrations? Or called a friend and instantly sensed their joy or distress, before they'd even said a word?

These, and similar experiences, are common occurrences for clairsentient psychics.

Let's explore how clairsentience works, how to develop your own clairsentience abilities, and how a clairsentient psychic can transform your life.


Understanding Clairsentience

A clairsentient psychic can intuitively feel the subtle energy, attitude, physical sensations, and emotions attached to specific people, places, and events on the most tactile level.

Defining Clairsentience and Its Impact on Perception

Clairsentience combines 2 French words: “clair” (meaning clear) and “sentience” (meaning feeling). And “clear feeling” is the perfect description of this unique psychic gift!

Unlike general empaths, who relate to other people’s feelings, clairsentient psychics have a heightened perception of emotional or energetic undercurrents. In other words, clairsentient psychics don’t just relate to what others feel, they can actually sense it.

Their sensitivity to energy has a powerful impact on perception; clairsentients often experience the world on a deeper emotional level. They often experience subtle but profound insights that shape relationships, decisions, and spiritual growth.

The Science and Spirituality Behind Emotional Sensitivity

Emotional sensitivity is influenced by both science and spirituality, each offering its unique insight into how clairsentients perceive and process what they feel.

Research shows that sensitivity is linked to an active limbic system, the part of the brain that processes emotions and regulates stress responses. Studies indicate that people who are more emotionally sensitive also have a more responsive nervous system, allowing them to perceive emotional cues and ambient energy.

On the spiritual side, the emotional sensitivity of a clairsentient psychic is a special psychic ability, an intuitive gift. In the psychic community, those with clairsentient abilities are seen as being deeply in tune with others’ emotions and energies, allowing them to feel what is happening in a natural, spontaneous way.

This balance of scientific backing and spiritual acceptance highlights the idea that emotional sensitivity is a natural psychological trait that provides a bridge to deeper insights.

Developing Clairsentient Abilities

Are you reading these descriptions and nodding your head? Do you suspect that you, too, may have some latent clairsentient abilities?

Many people with the gift of clairsentience are unaware of their psychic skills; they just assume they’re a bit more aware of emotional energy or in tune with “vibes” than other people. But it’s much more than that.

If you are sensitive to other people’s energy and find yourself picking up on nonverbal cues, you could be clairsentient. What an amazing gift! Now is the time to develop your clairsentient skills and step into your psychic power.

Of course, it’s perfectly normal to feel uneasy when you’re first discovering your clairsentient abilities. Understanding your unique psychic gift is the key to becoming comfortable and confident with it.

Consulting one of our very own clairsentient psychic advisors will help you understand what you’re feeling as you recognize and develop your psychic gifts in this lifetime. Once you have clarity, the sky's the limit!

Practical Exercises for Enhancing Emotional Intuition

Going through your awakening can be a challenging, even frightening process. You may be wondering if what you’re sensing is real, or if you’re just imagining your gut feelings. Psychic Source is here to share that you are right where you are supposed to be. You are never alone in your journey.

As you begin to develop your clairsentience, try these simple exercises that can help you tune into energy shifts and emotions.

  • Object Empathy: Hold an object such as a piece of jewelry or a crystal, in your hands. Try to tune into any feelings or sensations it may give you. Does it bring up any emotions or impressions?
  • Emotion Mapping: Choose a room where people have recently gathered and allow yourself to feel the energy left behind. Walk slowly through the room and notice any energy or emotions you sense. Also pay attention to any unexplained physical changes, such as unexplained shifts in temperature or pressure.
  • Energy Sensing (in Nature): Spend time in a natural environment, perhaps near water, where you can completely disconnect from the everyday world. Try to feel the energy of your surroundings, such as the strength of a tree or the peace of a still pond.

Protecting Yourself from Emotional Overload

Clairsentience can make you more easily affected by the energy around you, often in uncomfortable ways.

Here are some things you can do when you feel overwhelmed by emotions.

release excess energy

Release excess energy:
Ground yourself by releasing energy back to the earth

create boundaries

Create a boundary:
Visualize a protective barrier, such as a shield, surrounding you. Set an intention for only positive energy to enter.

clear your energy

Clear your energy:
Use tools such as sage or palo santo for energy cleansing. Salt baths, crystals, and sounds (such as bells or chimes) can also work.

practice self care

Practice consistent self-care:
Rest, proper nutrition, mindfulness practices such as meditation, and fresh air all support your emotional resilience.

Most importantly, remember that your journey is your own. You can always remove yourself from any situation or environment that interferes with your own energy.

consulting with clairsentient psychics

Consulting with Clairsentient Psychics

With their ability to project their senses into another place, clairsentient psychics may be able to “see” or “feel” what’s going on in a location far removed from where they are physically located. This makes them an ideal choice for a phone, chat, or video reading.

How to Find and Choose the Right Clairsentient Psychic

Clairsentience is only one part of the psychic experience. Along with possessing this special gift, you also want to find a psychic you truly connect with, whose reading will resonate with the deepest parts of you.

At Psychic Source, we can help you find the best clairsentient psychic for your specific needs. Filters such as the type of reading, subject areas, tools, and reading style will narrow down your list so you can find just the right psychic advisor.

What to Expect in a Clairsentient Reading

During your psychic reading, your clairsentient advisor will tune into your emotional energy. As they “feel” your energy they’ll pick up on strong emotions first, sharing the impressions they receive.

As you dive deeper into current circumstances or questions, they’ll offer insights and clarity they gain from the emotions, physical sensations, or energy they sense.

Clairsentients are known for being empathic listeners. They’ll help you navigate your personal situation while creating a comfortable space for you to open up and receive spiritual support.

Real Stories from the Clairsentient Experience

We encourage all of our Psychic Source clients to leave real, honest reviews about their experiences. Click on the profile of any advisor to read what their clients have to say.

Testimonials on the Power of Clairsentient Guidance

Thank you for the clarification of my situation. Your no-holds-barred approach was refreshing and enlightening. I suspect it's not going to be easy but I believe that I have to rip off the bandaid quickly and get it over with. - Susan

Skyler immediately picked up on certain things that let me know she had not only the right person’s energy, but really has insight. She knew things that I hadn’t mentioned and gave me a lot of comfort about being able to trust the situation I’m in. She’s absolutely phenomenal. - Angelynn

I love that she is balanced in a way where she is practical and logical but then she's superimposes her advice with the spiritual information that she's picking up - Tonya

How Clairsentience Has Changed Lives

Our clairsentient advisors have provided satisfied clients with insight and knowledge on a wide range of topics: relationships, love life, career, and overall well-being.

Browse through psychic reviews and see for yourself how they’ve changed lives—and can change yours, too.