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Psychic Roxanne x8946

Psychic Roxanne x8946

Resplendent Serenity

I'm away

  • Total Readings
  • 0 since June 2012
  • Specialties: Clairvoyant, Pet Psychic, Love Psychic
  • Tools: Tarot
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

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More About Roxanne

Years of Experience: 7

My name is Roxanne, but my family used to call me "Elly May" because I was always surrounded by "critters" -- we understood each other! I would wander through the forest, listening to nature and learn how we are all connected. As I grew, it became obvious to me that the things I learned on those long walks were not appearing to everyone and I dove into every book I could find trying to figure out why I was different. People that I didn't know would come up to me and ask me questions about their animals or lives. At times they would ask me about missing articles (no, I wasn't prone to petty theft) and I wondered; do I look like an encyclopedia/bloodhound?

One day a friend of my mother's took me aside and handed me a deck of tarot cards, saying I had a gift people could use. I still have those cards today, sleep with them under my pillow as I was instructed, and get great comfort from just shuffling them as I give a reading.

I studied astrology, numerology, palmistry, remote viewing, and finally traveled to become a Reiki Master. I like energy work the best, and used it and my animal skills to great advantage in the veterinary medical field. Providing the best care for patients (and my pets!) was my world, but the intuitive side of me kept growing until I could no longer ignore it. Once again I was being sought out for information and I found it must be relayed. For example: I was at a public pool and saw a lifeguard, and “saw” her wearing a lab coat and stethoscope. Next images that came were nurses and clip boards and a clock and I knew that girl was supposed to be an emergency/trauma worker, and that she needed to know how many lives she would save. The images would not go away until I walked over and asked if she was thinking of going to medical school, to which she answered “yes”. I guess that day you could say my reading style was Whoopi Goldberg in the movie GHOST!

My guides are very good at helping me pick the appropriate tone for a session, even though I think we learn best when we are laughing. I love to help people discover their own intuition and see where their energies are flowing, to know that they can find their path if they listen to themselves... and nature.

Words of Wisdom

"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." --Albert Einstein


0 reviews since Jun 2012

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