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Psychic Mandy x8326

Psychic Mandy x8326

Uncovers Secrets

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  • Total Readings
  • 0 since May 2011
  • Specialties: Psychic Medium, Love Psychic, Career Psychic
  • Tools:
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

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More About Mandy

Years of Experience: 19

Mandy is a talented and accurate clairvoyant medium. She has been doing readings in person and over the phone for nearly 6 years now, however, her gift has been ever present since she was a young child. Her mother always said she knew about people that she had never met, and that she was always talking about voices and feelings. They often came to pass. Once she realized what kind of a gift she possessed it has since exploded.

Mandy doesn't use tools but will connect with your personal spirit guides and loved ones who have passed to advise on love, career, and more. Her readings are extremely accurate, to the point, and specific to your individual needs.

Her clients always call her back to let her know what was said has come to pass in some form or capacity. She will be able to get to the bottom of any relationship issue and she will be able to let you know if you are wasting your time or if its worth the struggle. We are on earth to grow and learn, and she feel blessed to have this gift to share with others.


0 reviews since May 2011

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