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Psychic Libby x8294

Psychic Libby x8294

Compassionate Empath

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  • Total Readings
  • 0 since April 2011
  • Specialties: Intuitive/Empath, Love Psychic, Career Psychic
  • Tools:
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

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More About Libby

Years of Experience: 1

Deeply mystical yet immensely practical, Libby will use her psychic and counseling abilities to help you heal hurts, dissolve blockages and clarify intentions so you can live the life you dream of. No matter your current questions or challenges, Libby will help you find the spiritual lessons therein to turn “poison into medicine” and create the inner peace and outer love, abundance or well-being you desire.

Libby is warm and supportive as well as honest and direct. She has learned her skills the hard way herself. Born an empath and medium, Libby studied with masters of numerous spiritual paths to help her own with her physical, emotional and spiritual sensitivities as well as her own inner blocks to abundance. She has since worked for over 25 years as a psychic in her own practice, in healing centers and as a medical intuitive for a leading Medical Doctor.

Libby can see and feel into your body and aura, as well as that of those you ask about; she can also see and feel the energy and blockages in homes and offices. A former social service counselor and agency director as well, she has worked with a wide range of individuals. Libby relates sincerely, effectively and without judgment to people from any background and in any situation.

Grab pen and paper before you talk to Libby. While she can send healing and create a meditative state with you by phone, she may also help you design a personalized action plan. She sometimes recommends specific tools to help your unique situation, such as using the Laws of Attraction or Gratitude, breathing and visualization techniques, and feng shui or energetic space clearing, all to leave you empowered to actualize what you want! A skilled medium, she also can help you communicate with your beloved animals (Libby’s own happy dog was once a traumatized Hurricane Katrina survivor), and is always honored to help enhance healing with messages from those who have passed on. Libby’s gifts, skills and background all contribute to her goal to help create healing and harmony on the earth, one person and place at a time.

Words of Wisdom

"May all beings live happy and safe and may their hearts rejoice within themselves." -- Kwan Yin Sutra


0 reviews since Apr 2011

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