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Psychic Lapota x3907

Psychic Lapota x3907

Lead by Spirit

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Mini Reading

  • Total Readings
  • 36 since November 2019
  • Specialties: Career Psychic, Clairaudient, Clairsentient
  • Tools: Angel Cards, Astrology, Cartomancy
  • Reading Style: Direct

Customer Endorsements Beta

  • Career & Finances - 10
  • Love, Relationships & Family - 1

More About Lapota

Years of Experience: 5

A natural born clairvoyant, Raquel was taught by her mother at an early age how to convey visions and messages from beyond. In her teens, she started giving readings to friends and classmates alike. She enjoyed helping her peers work through their variety of issues and felt the calling to do more. After years of honing her skills, she offers compassionate, honest, nonjudgemental readings

Words of Wisdom

"Unrest of spirit is a mark of life; one problem after another presents itself and in solving of them we can find our greatest pleasure." Karl Menninger

4½ stars

0 reviews since Nov 2019

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