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Psychic Joyce x8957

Psychic Joyce x8957

Loving Seer

I'm away

  • Total Readings
  • 0 since July 2012
  • Specialties: Intuitive/Empath, Love Psychic, Career Psychic
  • Tools: Tarot
  • Reading Style: Compassionate

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More About Joyce

Years of Experience: 7

Beginning reading for family and friends, Joyce has been reading Tarot for over 16 years. Often sought after for readings, Joyce connects and understands the needs of her clients.

Trained as a counselor and having professionally worked as one for over 25 years, Joyce’s listening skills are sharp, and her readings are thought out and constructive.

Words of Wisdom

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” Albert Einstein

4½ stars

0 reviews since Jul 2012

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