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Psychic Curtis x8586

Psychic Curtis x8586

Loving Psychic Embrace

I'm away

  • Total Readings
  • 0 since April 2012
  • Specialties: Intuitive/Empath, Career Psychic
  • Tools: Cartomancy, Tarot
  • Reading Style: Direct

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More About Curtis

Years of Experience: 1

Did you know that YOU have the answers right in front of you? Some people just need guidance and advice but you have access to answers and Curtis is here to help. Curtis is a psychic empath who taps into your emotions and tells you things no one knows, possibly not even yourself. He uses tarot and playing cards as an oracle to psychically tap into your unconscious and the beyond to get to the heart of the matter and empowers you to make the right decisions.

Words of Wisdom

"Everyone is fitted to see, few to understand. Everybody sees what you appear to be; few make out what you really are."-Machiavelli


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