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Psychic Crocus x4666

Psychic Crocus x4666

Psychic Medium

I'm away

Mini reading

  • Total Readings
  • 7 since March 2023
  • Specialties: Career Psychic, Clairaudient
  • Tools: Angel Cards, Astrology
  • Reading Style: Expressive

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More About Crocus

Years of Experience: 2

Life is full of polarities: light and dark, sun and moon, good and bad, happy and sad, birth and departure. Without awareness of one of those polarities, we wouldn't be able to recognize it's equal and opposite reaction. Without hot water, the awareness and recognition of cold water ceases to exist.

We humans and our emotions and experiences are the same. "As the Universe, So the Soul," as the saying goes. "As Within, So Without." We are not just a part of nature or the universe, we are nature. We are the universe, in human form. So, of course we ebb and flow, too. We have highs and lows, too.

My readings are meant to guide you through the ups and downs of this cyclical existence. My intentions are to be a bridge between the material world and the spiritual world by relaying messages of truth from Spirit. I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, claircognizant, and a medium. I've been aware of these gifts (at varying levels of awareness) since early childhood, when I thought everyone else had the same predicative dreams and ways of knowing or connecting with Spirit. My goal is to restore hope that the sun will return after the long winter, as it always does. My priority is to connect others with Spirit, to bring their focus back to Spirit, back to the forest instead of the individual trees, when life becomes too overwhelming or chaotic.

I am not afraid of your darkness, and I don't try to steer you away from them or give more value to the light than I do the dark. I know both are needed for wholeness. I will sit in your sadness and grief with you, just the same as in your happiness and joys. My readings provide not only messages from Spirit, but also trauma and grief mentoring from personal education and experience, as well. I specialize in medium readings, missing objects, love connections, and healing from abusive or toxic relationships or childhood. Along with the messages from Spirit, my psychology background can help you make sense of unhealthy patterns, whether in the present or the past, so as not to impact the future. I've seen and experienced it all, so please don't be afraid to let me see your pains during the readings as I do so with observation and compassion, not judgment of what should or shouldn't be. You are the expert on you, I'm just here to relay messages, bring clarity, and help lift the heaviness of grief.

My most used method is clairaudience, along with the pendulum, and cards. While giving medium messages from departed loved ones, I use clairaudience and clairvoyance while I scribble on a drawing pad to focus and clear my mind. If a departed loved one comes through for you, I'll mention it to you even if you have another focus or question. If you are wanting to connect with a departed loved one, tell me their name, and we will see if they will come through for you. If you'd rather a general reading, I will do so using the cards. For specific questions, I use the pendulum most often while also tapping into clairvoyance.

Whatever your needs and desires, it would be my pleasure to connect and read for you. Though, above all, I hope you find the best advisor that fits for you.


Words of Wisdom

"If you want to understand the Universe, think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency." -Tesla

0 reviews since Mar 2023

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