Numerology states that everything has a unique vibrational energy, and the number associated with it can help uncover this energy. When decoded, this frequency can reveal answers to some of life’s tough questions. Each month in our calendar year is associated with a different number. By taking a look at numerology, you can get a peek into what each month will bring.
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January Numerology Forecast
January marks the beginning of the calendar year, bringing with it the creative and powerful energy of the number 1. This energy demands to move forward, pushing obstacles out of the way and sometimes even piercing through them! With this organized creativity, now is the perfect time to set a goal, create a plan to achieve it, and then take off running after it.
One represents beginnings, fresh starts, new ideas. It should be no surprise that now is a perfect time to try something new. Maybe you’ve been looking into a new hobby or want to change up your daily routine. Go out and try something adventurous. Buy a clothing item you wouldn’t normally wear or eat out at the restaurant that just opened up a town over. Whatever you do, make sure to commit to that confident energy of the 1 and go for it!
This could also be a good time to let go of old habits (or people) that no longer serve you and welcome in refreshing energy. That on-again off-again relationship becoming too much to handle? Don’t be afraid to say goodbye for good and move on. There are more compatible people out there waiting to be discovered, if you’re ready to see them.

February Numerology Forecast
Don’t think of February as just second best, the number 2 brings forth powerful, harmonizing energy. You’ll feel this shift in your relationships as a pull to spend more time with those important to you. 2 brings people together, but in a quiet, behind-the-scenes kind of way. Keep it low-key and have a game night or binge watch a new show together. Catch up over a glass of wine at home or video call from your own separate couches. Remember that nurturing your connections does not have to mean going over the top or even going out!
As the first even number in the lineup, there is a high value placed on fairness for the number 2. As with yin and yang, the sun and the moon, good and bad, there is balance found with 2. This month you can expect some of that intense energy from last month to slow down and become more balanced. As long as you continue to move forward toward your goals, the energy of the 2 should help balance out anything feeling unfair or one-sided.
Are you looking for love? This month radiates the perfect energy for new partnerships. 2 represents fair and harmonious relationships, so make sure to stay open to those in your life who treat you right. You never know who your perfect match could be, if given a chance! They may show up quietly, without a big extravaganza announcing their arrival, so don’t overlook even the smallest of meetings.

March Numerology Forecast
Hello, March. This month we welcome in spring, along with a little extra luck and abundance. Hooray! As the third month of the year, you can expect to feel the vibrant, exuberant, and creative energy of 3. This attracts optimism, good luck, and fortune! 3 carries a similar energy to 1, but its forward-moving energy is less focused and a bit more free-spirited and at times, a little wild. But fear not, this energy will feel refreshing, helping to propel along your motivation which may have calmed a bit last month. 3 radiates a sense of individuality and originality, so if you’ve been feeling like making a change, go for it. Express your own individuality however you want and lean into this invigorating energy. You may find yourself feeling more confident in who you are than ever before.
This month would be a good time to elevate your career or start your own business. The energy of 3 says to take risks, for you will be rewarded. Don’t wait for “the perfect time” to start chasing your dreams for now is the time. Don’t forget that 3 brings good luck and fortune, so you may find it easier to accomplish goals than before. Use your connections to find ways to address challenges you might not have thought of before. Step out of your comfort zone and harness this optimistic energy. Get creative and open your heart to receiving.

April Numerology Forecast
April showers bring May flowers…and also the earthly and deep-rooted energy of the number 4. In contrast to last month and the free-flowing flexibility of 3, you’ll feel the ground harden beneath your feet in April. The number 4 is associated with stability, strength, and responsibility. Like a square with four sturdy and solid sides, the vibrational energy of 4 is less creative and more structured.
So, what does this mean for you? You may find yourself searching for your deeper meaning or your life’s purpose this month. Maturity is a strong theme for April, so if you’re feeling inclined to explore your inner self, lean into it! This could also mean a realization for different things or people in your life, as you grow into your own person and rely less on others. It is NOT an optimal time for creative projects so try and avoid starting anything new and stay focused on your current goals and work.
Get outside and spend time in nature. 4 is connected to the earth and a great way to connect with this fresh energy is to connect with your natural surroundings. Meditate or practice yoga at your local park or take a walk around your neighborhood. Raise your own vibrational energy by harnessing the earth’s energy and you’ll feel more confident and grounded. You may experience higher expectations this month, from either yourself or others but this is just a reminder to continue your hard work of moving toward your goals. It may not come as easily to make progress this month but keep going! Even small steps are steps forward.

May Numerology Forecast
May marks the 5th calendar month of the year and brings the energetic, numerological vibration of the number 5. Out of all the single-digit numbers, the number 5 is the most adventurous and daring – how fun! This month offers great potential to bring forth change, excitement, and new beginnings.
The month of May is a perfect time to let your hair down and live your life to the fullest! The number 5 encourages us to soak in the essence of new experiences and personal freedom. Take a trip, brainstorm new ideas, ask your crush out on a date, and don’t be afraid to explore your sensuality. With the number 5 influencing the energy of versatility, now is a great time to self-reflect and pinpoint areas in your life that you would like to change. As we move closer to the radiant light of summer, you may find yourself seeking to enhance your personal light within. When we “let go and just live,” you may find yourself stumbling onto crossroads and pathways leading towards new love interests, monetary changes, and business opportunities.
Do beware! The number 5 can manifest energies of impatience, impulsiveness, and overindulgence, so make sure you tread with care and don’t overdo it. Don’t forget to listen to your inner psychic (we've all got one) and enjoy all the gifts of May spontaneity!

June Numerology Forecast
Welcome, June! Summer is here, days are brighter, and moods lightened as we embrace everything the 6th month of the calendar year has to offer. Unlike May's fifth month, which opened the doors for all kinds of off-the-beaten-path adventures, the number 6 brings forward a more grounded vibrational energy. In numerology, six resonates with the heart's energy, where connections with family, children, and friends are at an all-time high. Six is also a month of ceremony and gathering – no wonder so many engagements, weddings, and college graduations take place during June. That wild, carefree energy you may have felt last month is at ease, leaving you with a keen sense of harmony and security.
Manifesting the energy of six will support your ability to make responsible and rational decisions with relationships, careers, and other life-changing events. This month also supports those who wish to find love but feel guarded and blocked. You may notice a switch or a push towards feeling safe again in your efforts to ignite or rekindle a romantic interest – oh baby!
The number six resonates deeply with nurturing and mothering. Taking care of others, healing, and acts of service are very well received this month. However, we often find ourselves putting others' interests before our own, so make sure you aren't compromising your needs or putting your goals on the back burner for the benefit of another.

July Numerology Forecast
Get ready for a big month!! As July rolls in, we embrace the essence of the number 7 and all the perceptive and analytic energies it brings forward. 7 is the number of the spirit that gives off heavy vibrational energy of introspection and inner wisdom - so get ready to learn something new!
This month, career and finances are topics that hold great relevance to those who are aligned with the vibrational pull of 7. Work hard, and don’t hold back from starting that project you’ve been putting off, as you may find yourself feeling wiser and more motivated in the workplace. Making tactful decisions will come easier due to a deeper sense of inner knowing and confidence. You may find that your wallet is feeling bulkier than ever as your financial space has great potential to grow. Have you been expecting a raise or playing the lottery lately? This could be the month where things, cha-ching, get better!
It is important to keep your eyes open and stay on your toes this month…There may be someone in your life that may try and take advantage of your success. But with your heightened sense of intuition and wisdom, you should be able to see through any signs of insincerity.

August Numerology Forecast
Infinite possibilities are the theme for August - how exciting! This month is ruled by the number 8, bringing forth a powerful, vibrational energy of manifestation. As the summer begins to wind down, we can feel and plan for the inevitable changes coming our way – back to school, cooler weather, and shorter days. Expect a newfound sense of self-restoration, excitement, and brightness.
Have you been thinking about your career lately? If it is change that you seek, you may find yourself being presented with new opportunities and projects that will open new doors in your career in a big way. It is suggested to tune up your resume and be sure to weigh all the pros and cons before committing to something new.
Are you single and longing for love? This month is promising for romance. Meeting new people is very probable, so make sure you take advantage of social gathering opportunities as you may just find the one you’ve been waiting for. It is recommended to take it slow and don’t surrender your heart too soon.
Given that the number 8 energizes infinite possibilities, we suggest manifesting this energy with a simple journaling exercise. At the beginning of the month, take out a journal and write down 10 qualities in a lover or a career that you desire. Putting intentions out there is a powerful tool anyone can use to manifest their deepest desires.

September Numerology Forecast
In the world of numerology, the 9th month of September will be a powerful one! All will experience the enhanced vibrational energy of change as September brings the equinox transitioning the season while igniting a new energy cycle. The vibration of the number 9 brings us back to our life number. Meaning everything that we are supposed to learn throughout the year will surface. You can expect an abundance of gifts, challenges, and lessons this month to arise, so that you may wrap up loose ends in preparation for the upcoming year ahead.
Excited, scared, intrigued? What’s to come? Since we all have unique personal life numbers, there is no one-size-fits-all forecast. Find out your number today and get your September predictions by talking with an expert numerologist.

October Numerology Forecast
Welcome to the beautiful month of October! As you enter the vibrational energy of the 10th month, you can feel the changes of the season and the closeness of the new year approaching. Many of us may begin to feel the pressure to get things done as the numerological energy of 10 highlights the importance of bringing projects to a state of completion. Luckily, 10 is a divine number meaning, your angels, spirit guides, ascended masters, and past loved ones are here to support you in your efforts. The feelings of self-determination, progression, and wholesomeness as an individual will empower your ability to move forward in life.
Be prepared to experience the closure of old energy cycles… meaning the things that have held you back from progression will settle so that you can see and move down your path more clearly. If you’ve been involved in a rocky relationship with no clear sense of direction, you can expect a resolution to take place. Career and finances are also affected as open-ended projects, and key decisions for future growth have strong potential to conclude.
Think of October as a chance to re-birth from an energetic standpoint. 10/10 or October 10th is a time to let go of the old and embrace the new and beautiful things coming your way in the New Year.

November Numerology Forecast
November brings far more than just holiday celebrations, family gatherings, delicious feasts, and crisp air. The energy of the number 11 is one of the most intuitive and angelic forces in the mysterious world of Numerology. Now is your chance to take your life by the reigns and feel confident that no matter where you are, your support group of guardian angels, spirit guides, and ascended masters are leading you in the right direction. Looming feelings of career frustration, family issues, and heartaches will begin to feel less burdensome, almost as if a heavyweight has been removed from your shoulders.
On 11/11, also known as Angel Day, Spirit encourages us to take a break from desire and acknowledge those things in our lives that make us better people. Every single one of us has a bad habit of getting so caught up in the things we wish we could change and tend to forget about the things that make our lives better.
Take a few minutes out of your day, relax in a quiet space and ask yourself these three questions:
- What are you most grateful for?
- When you are feeling blue, what’s that one thing that can instantly put a smile on your face?
- In your personal life, what makes you proud?
Gratitude is easy to achieve and can be life-changing. All the support you need surrounds you this month, and we hope you embrace it.

December Numerology Forecast
The magic of the season fills the air as December rolls out the 12th month of the year. The number 12 is all about limitless potential and companionship. Your Angels stand beside you this month as you may find yourself making life-changing decisions involving other people. Depending on where you are in your personal life, engagements, breakups, career partnerships, and the rekindling of old flames or family ties have a strong potential to take place. December can be one of the most challenging months as many people are alone during the holidays. Remember, 12 is all about an opening of possibilities and partnership - don’t pass up social invitations this month, no matter how big or small.
The numerological vibrancy of 12 also offers us an ability to shed off heavy, dead weight so that we can enter a new year re-born. What are the obstacles that are blocking you from achieving your dreams? Letting go and moving on from things that hold you back will fill the potholes on your aspirational pathway. Easier said than done? Ask for assistance from your higher beings as you’d be surprised how good of listeners your angels really are.