Manifest a Spiritual Connection With Someone - A Guided Meditation Podcast by Psychic Hope
Date 11/6/2024
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Soulmate Twin Flame Guided Meditation

Have you ever an felt intense connection with someone? Could it be a spiritual connection? This article and guided meditation can help you to connect soul to soul.
Ever had an intense connection with someone? Sometimes, you wonder if that person is your twin flame, a soul mate, or a karmic relationship. Interestingly enough, there are many kinds of spiritual connections that bring life lessons (positive and negative), healing, and spiritual advancement. The crazy part is that everyone has these spiritual connections that come in different forms in our current lifetimes and even from past lives. Today, people are experiencing more past lives’ characteristics and themes (based on our soul contracts with the universe) crossing over into our current lifetimes on Earth.
The Universe's Role in Spiritual Connections
Want to know another secret? Today, the Earth is in the middle of a huge spiritual shift. The universe is wanting humanity to wake up and connect to the higher vibrations of being more spiritually advanced, enlightened, and interconnected with one another, especially to co-exist better as one race. The spiritual connections we make with people, as our twin flames, soul mates, or karmic relationships help us to see the truths within ourselves and the world around us.
Oh yes, I want to make a special note that spiritual connections can happen between beings of varied species, such as our bond with our animal companions. With Spirit, there is no limit by physical form. A strong bond with a living, deceased, or spirit animal can be sacred and special to help nourish our souls with unconditional love.
When it comes to spiritual connections, it’s about the energy exchange you get from them and how it helps your soul’s growth. Usually, our intuition is our compass (a powerful tool) to help us sense the truths within our spiritual connections, including the ones that are the most challenging.
In this guided meditation we'll connect with Archangel Chamuel - the angel of love, peace, comfort, and protection, who will guide you towards these spiritual connections, such as a twin flame or soul mate.
Early, I mentioned different kinds of spiritual relationship connections - twin flames, soulmates, and karmic relationships. Twin flame and soul mate connections generate happiness and gratitude in your life and help you become a better person. Karmic relationships serve to awaken you from the suffering that you are experiencing on Earth.
Soulmate and karmic relationships can be temporary. They remain in your life for a while, or you may never have contact with them again. Don’t forget again that twin flames remain connected forever and help you achieve that spiritual fulfillment.
Twin Flames
This kind of relationship is characterized by manifesting the strongest spiritual connection between two individuals. Two twin flames share the same energy source or divine spark when they came into existence on the spiritual plane. Twin flames have a mission to meet during a lifetime or more to evolve spiritually. When twin flames meet in person, there is a very intense emotional connection, an immediate physical attraction, and the sensation of knowing each other before. This connection shows the same expressions of feeling, thinking, and loving.
Twin flames have a way of communicating telepathically and in dreams. They share the same psychological problems, insecurities, and emotional imbalances. With twin flames, they separate a couple or several times and find their way back to each other. One of the main challenges in twin flame relationships is that one may be more spiritually evolved than the other. Also, one twin flame can be the “chaser,” and the other one can be the “runner,” within the connection.
Within my current lifetime, I had the experience of meeting my twin flame. The description above is the exact experience that I went through, and it brought many life changes, especially on a strong, spiritual level. I also like to thank my twin flame for being in my life because of him then I wouldn’t be where I am today, having the courage to embrace my second career as a psychic and share my spiritual gifts with the world.
Here are my final intuitive thoughts on twin flames. Twin flames can be a strong love connection, but only a few stay together for a lifetime in long-term relationships. There needs to be complete harmony to co-exist and make things work naturally or the universe will pull them apart for the right spiritual reasons. You need to remember your twin flame still has his/her own karmic and spiritual advancement to achieve as a separate individual, along with their free will and choices playing out.
Lastly, there are more twin flames meeting up today on the Earth plane to help raise the vibrations to make humanity evolve sooner. Oftentimes, a twin flame can be on the Earth plane to experience human life, while the other twin is being a guide in the spiritual realm.
Soul Mates
In this current lifetime (and in past lives), you have had the good fortune to meet several soul mates. A soul mate can be a love or romantic connection, while others are great friendships. Also, a soul mate can be a relative, co-worker, or stranger.
With soul mate connections, it can be a moment in time (when someone is there for a brief period or come in and out of your life in cycles), a short/long season, or a lifetime of knowing a person. It all depends on the soul contracts you have with these connections, while not forgetting how free will and choices play out again.
The mission of soul mates is to make our lives easier and more pleasant. Soul mates guide us on our evolutionary path and leave us with valuable learning. They also awaken the good in us and help us see the best version of ourselves.
Karmic Relationships
This kind of connection is based on the spiritual law of karma. It doesn’t matter if the connection is a romantic relationship with a lover or a love-hate relationship with a friend or relative. The karmic attraction will inevitably involve some great suffering that can urge us to wake up spiritually and enlighten us with karmic lessons of growth for our souls.
On a positive note, a karmic relationship can help you awaken to a new consciousness and eliminate certain types of relationships that you need to let go of. A person that has a karmic relationship must understand the reasons that led him/her to have a negative bond. In the end, a karmic relationship can teach you what you deserve better in life and learn how to have healthier relationships.
Recognizing Spiritual Relationship Connections
How do you recognize these spiritual connections? Here are some intuitive insights:
- You are comfortable in their presence.
- You are instinctively drawn to them.
- You are authentic and honest with them.
- You have this mutual respect for each other.
- You have no problem keeping up with a conversation.
- You do anything for each other.
- You can tell when something is wrong.
- You feel your morals and values are aligned.
- You feel like you know them for ages.
- You trust them without hesitation.
- You can communicate in silence and in dreams.
- You get a higher self-awareness and better understanding of yourself.
- You can move forward with your life.
- You can progress more spiritually with them.
- You view the connections as a way for personal growth.
- You maintain your separate selves or lives without issues.
- Most importantly, you had a psychic confirm the connections for you.
When it comes to spiritual connections, they are in our lives to enrich us with the transformation of being more spiritually advanced, enlightened, and interconnected with the universe. It’s all about how you respond and connect because every connection you make on Earth is a unique experience.

Hope has been guiding people with her healing modalities as an intuitive empath, psychic medium, reiki practitioner, empowerment life coach, and much more. She inspires people in areas of improving love, career, business, spirituality, self-confidence, and overcoming fears. Hope is your compassionate listener and cheerleader. She has 25 years of legal and government experience. She has a diverse background working as a paralegal in different areas of law and earned a degree in Government and Public Policy. She has worked for law firms and state and federal governments. She also once enjoyed working as an event coordinator.