Using Telepathy for Last Goodbyes: Advice From a Death Doula by Psychic Ursula
Date 11/5/2024
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Death and Dying Psychic Medium
Death is not the end. It’s true, we are all born, and we all die but it’s what we do in the middle the creates our lives and our legacy. What we leave behind is more than just wealth and possessions. We all lose people and animals that we love and cherish. However, it's just our physical body that dies. Our soul, our spirit, travels to a new “higher level” aka “realm” or “afterlife.” The end of life can create anxiety and fears as most of us have never walked this path before. Change can be hard; adjusting can be even more difficult.
Connecting with Passed on Loved Ones
Our loved ones go on to have new experiences and to find peace. We are not really separated from them during this brief period that we are on earth, and they are focusing their attention on this new realm. Our loved ones come to visit us often when they want to be part of whatever you are doing at the time or when we call upon them to ask for assistance. Our loved ones are always a thought away from us! Connecting to them is not as difficult as you would think. I will share examples of several methods of communication with passed on loved ones using your own psychic abilities.
I am a natural born psychic medium and I have conducted thousands of mediumship readings in the past 50 years. I have the ability to channel into departed souls and bridge the connection from this life to the spirit world. I have also experienced three near-death experiences (also known as an NDE). Yes, I have died and returned to this life on three separate occasions. I have firsthand knowledge of the transitioning journey that souls experience as they depart from this life and move onto the afterlife. My experiences while in the afterlife lead me down a path to assist others on their journey of departure and the loved ones left on earth. I am considered a “Death Doula.” A Death Doula is not a new concept or a modern term, in fact we have been around for as long as humans have conducted death rituals. We are like Birthing Doula’s that help with the beginning of life, Death Doula’s help with the end-of-life process.
What is a Death Doula?
As a Death Doula I help the dying and their families with the death transition process. I offer my knowledge, wisdom, and insight to promote healthy discussions and the wishes of the dying. While death is a natural part of life, it is still exceedingly difficult for the families to adjust without their loved one. My role as a Death Doula is extremely broad, however, educating the dying and living is a HUGE aspect of what I provide. Communication is key, before death and of course after death.
People will ask me questions such as:
- “What do I say to comfort the dying?”
- “What do I say to my loved before I pass on to the afterlife?”
- “How am I going to go on with this life without them?”
- “How do I grieve the loss?”
- “How do I communicate with my loved one after they pass?”
- “Can I communicate with my loved ones after their transition from one life to the next?”
- “What are the signs to know if they have visited?”
These are very valid concerns and questions, and I will help you as I have helped thousands of others during this difficult process. If you are given the gift of being present in a loved one’s final moments, we must take advantage of this time by saying essential things.
What to Say to Someone Who is Dying
In many cases it is hard to find the words, here are a few suggestions to make it a little easier:
“I love you.” These three little words are so special. Everyone deserves to hear them, but so often we go on without sharing them. If there was ever a time to share these words, it is now!
“Thank you for teaching me…” Express your gratitude for the value that your lives have meant.
“I will be alright.” Reassure each other that you will be fine and continue your new journey.
It is particularly important to remember that the dying process is about the dying and not about the living. This journey is often unplanned, and you want to ensure that any time you have left with the dying is meaningful. Remember, not everyone is given the gift to say “Goodbye,” do not take this opportunity lightly.
Telepathic Communications and Meditation
It is possible to communicate with the dead by mean of telepathy. Telepathy is the transmission of information from one person’s mind to another without using any verbal skills. Meditation is the best way to develop your telepathic connection. Meditating requires practice and patience. If you have ever caught yourself daydreaming, you in fact were meditating. See, it is not hard as you thought!
Before you begin meditating, make sure you have no distractions around you. No TV, no phones, you want nothing around you that will interrupt this time to channel into a higher level of conscientious. Find yourself a quiet place, it does not matter if it is indoors or outside. Take a few minutes to light a candle, use essential oils, perhaps have soothing music playing in the background. You have just “grounded” your energy.
Now, sit still with your eyes closed and for two minutes think of nothing. Like nothing, this is your time to connection with your loved one. It’s not the time to worry about bills, your co-workers, what to have for dinner, or anything else. Slowly, picture your loved one and to yourself, talk to them. Tell them you love them, you miss them, and ask for their guidance. You only need to do this once a day for no more than 5 minutes at a time. Remember, learning to channel their energy via meditation takes practice. In time your loved one will communication to you telepathically. Remember, it is not like a having a telephone conversation. Expect the unexpected.
Spirit Communication - The Ultimate Gift of Love
There is life beyond the physical death. This connection gives us comfort, healing, and enriches our life. This connection shows us that our soul continues and there are unlimited borders of physical existence.
Spirits will use different methods to make themselves known to you. They may move an object, hide your keys, open a door, or flicker your lights. There are times when the departed visit us in our dreams. You may even smell their favorite cologne or perfume, even when you know you are not wearing that scent. The more you are free of pain and have an open mind to your experience, the more comfortable your loved one will communicate with you. Also, do not be afraid when any of these events happen unexpectedly, it is not their objective to frighten you. Spirits miss you as much as you miss them, but they aren’t always on your schedule.
Spirit communication is not an exact science. There are no handbooks in the afterlife (despite what we were shown in the 1988 movie Beetlejuice). Our departed loved ones have the upper hand with how and when they will communicate with you.

Ursula is a natural born psychic medium. Ursula’s name comes from her Shawnee name which means Little Bear. She is a proud member of the Eastern band of Cherokee and holds an MA in metaphysical studies from Ami. Ursula uses her gifts and education to provide high level psychic medium readings and specializes in matters of the heart, twin flame connections and communication with loved ones that have departed to the after life.