Tarot on a Tangent: The Hanged Man Guided Meditation Podcast by Psychic Tillie
Date 11/5/2024
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Tarot Guided Meditation

In this guided meditation, Psychic Tillie will guide you on a meditation that takes a deeper look at the Hanged Man tarot card and your true, authentic self.
Shift Your Point Of View With The Hanged Man Tarot Card: How the Hanged Man reveals hidden meaning.
The Upright Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning
Self-sacrifice, being a martyr, being able to step outside of the box with your perceptions, going against the crowd's opinion, wisdom, intuition, discriminating opinions, self-reflection. In the upright position we are called to look at an event that has recently passed with the eyes of the higher self. It is important to look at the event from a different perspective if we want to find a different solution than what we are seeing in that present moment. The Hanged Man card is meant to shift our point of view so that we may be able to embrace a possible solution that we may have missed initially. In shifting our perspective, we are allowing clarity and resolution to come in, in a different way. As human beings we are driven to follow the popular opinion as it is the easier route to where we are trying to go. But the Hanged Man card educates us to pull away from that mode of thinking so that we may be able to see what was once unseen even if it is uncomfortable to do so.
The Reversed Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning
Falling to peer pressure, not being an independent thinker, choosing to be rebellious for the sake of being rebellious, being an outcast, going along with the crowd, choosing the easy way out. In the reversed positioning we are called to examine what our motivations are for the perceptions or opinions that we are staunchly holding on to. We are being asked to take a harder look at what our moral values and beliefs might be regarding this recently passed situation and decide if it coincides with our own individualistic thinking that will serve us the best, or is it that we are being difficult for the sake of proving a point that is unnecessary to prove. The Hanged Man tarot card in reverse positioning is asking us if we are holding on to an opposition for the sake of pride, ego, or stubborn notions. We are being educated to understand the egocentric portion of our mind and to let go of the ideals that do not serve our growth and potential. Taking a stand for a cause can be important as long as the cause sits well in our soul.
In tarot, Hanged Man can be interpreted in a way that either denotes righteous sacrifice or a punishment. Either way, the Hanged Man card instructs us to understand that there will always be sacrifices on our chosen path. It is our manner of perception that determines whether this is for the greater good of our development or is acting as a hindrance to our growth. This card asks us to take a look at our actions and to understand that we must do what needs to be done for progressive growth in the evolution of our consciousness and spiritual growth. These better decisions not only affect us as individuals, but also affect society as a whole as we are all connected. We must understand that it is necessary for us to be all that we dream we can be.
Who Are You Underneath It All?
To receive the Hanged Man is a call of self reflection, a call to prayer, a call to meditation. We feel a new story emerging from our higher selves, flowing out from our bodies in waves of truth of who we really are. Hanged Man's job is to transmute us into what we were always meant to be by allowing us to pull back the layers of the self. If we let ourselves be led by this card, we allow ourselves to realize our full potential as a spiritual being in the given situation that has recently passed.
The Hanged Man helps us to understand how to shift our perspective in a way that promotes the most positive spiritual and human growth possible. The answers are held within a person's ability and willingness to provide self-reflection once this card has been pulled. If this particular card shows up in our reading, it is indicating to us that we are at a crossroads regarding a recent event that has just passed and we are feeling as if our options are limited to picking one reaction or one solution, yet not feeling confident with either choice.
Reflect, Reconsider, Refocus
It is necessary to remind ourselves that it is during these times, when we feel our need to spontaneously do “something” in the face of uncertainty that we should take a deep breath and stop everything and think, or put the decision on hold until we are able to reflect, relax, and consider the thought that we are trying to control something about the situation based on a perspective or need that should be released from the self because the motivation is not productive. We must understand that with Hanged Man, justice will always be served whether we place ourselves in the position of self-sacrifice of negative thinking or accepting the punishment for our destructive habit of going along with the crowd.
Pulling the Hanged Man sets forth the process of receiving our call to engage in a thoughtful and reflective time. We must be open to looking at ourselves and determining if or how you might best serve your own progress by being willing to change. There is also another idea behind receiving this card that it is very important to take a look at our reasons for making our choices. If our choices are for the wrong reasons, we are still sending our intentions out into the Universe. The Universe does not deal in positives and negatives. There are no “take backs” with our intentions! So be sure they are good ones. The concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy is a very real thing that people all too often get caught up in error when acting with the wrong intentions.
In conclusion, use the Hanged Man tarot card to make sure you are building the life you want to live for yourself with both actions and thoughts. Don't be afraid to use the messages given to you by the Hanged man tarot card meaning shift your thinking so as to live your most authentic life. Do what is best for your own personal growth even if it does not necessarily fall in line with others' thinking.

Tillie is a fourth generation psychic with more than 30 years experience reading tarot cards. She was raised in a liberal environment that encouraged free thinking, self-exploration, and different modes of spirituality. She was introduced to meditation by the age of 5 and still meditates today. She remembers the stories of how her great-grandmother read tarot to help support her family during the Great Depression, which inspired her to develop her own tarot skills. Over the years she has studied world religions, different healing arts, and the esoteric art of Divination including tarot, Viking runes, using pendulums, and throwing bones. She has worked psychic fairs and has established a history of in-person and distance readings for new and repeat customers alike.
Tillie holds certifications in Reiki, Healing Touch, and Chakra Balancing. She holds a double B.S. in Psychology and Anthropology minoring in Sociology and has included working for Psychic Source as one of her many successes.