Lightworkers offer gifts of awakening one's consciousness and healing.
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In the traditional Tarot, the sun is one of the cards in the major arcana that represents that light in the sky. Spiritual groups of all kinds believe that the suns light holds the greatest connection to heaven, gods, other worldly realms and cosmic beings. It is the spiritual guide of the enlightened masters and is the source of the light that gives lightworkers their name. In this world, there are those who have obtained the power of the light to provide spiritual guidance to others. These enlightened masters and teachers are known as Lightworkers and their job is to assist in the spiritual evolution of humanity.
Origins of Lightworkers
You probably have read or seen stories of when advisors recall their first experience of spiritual discovery. For some this may have occurred at a very young age and for others it may not have happened until later in life. Psychics, Lightworkers and other gifted individuals often walk the earth and don’t realize they have a gift until it has been made apparent. In other words, they are spiritual beings who forgot they were spiritual born and living a life as humans until at some point they are destined to discover their true cosmic origin and go through a process called the awakening of consciousness. It is at this point they realize their true spiritual nature.
Raising Your Vibration to Attract Love
Connecting with a Lightworker
Lightworkers have an incredible ability to heal those who are suffering from the loss of a loved one and other human grievances. With their deeper understanding of human pain and distress, they have the tool of pure light to shine brightness back into the mind, body and soul.