You deserve time for YOU!
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Many people I speak to think that doing kind things for themselves makes them selfish or somehow seem self-centered. But when we eat or wash our clothes, that is “taking care of ourselves” and we don’t feel selfish for doing that. Being kind to ourselves is just as important as eating. Kindness feeds our souls as much as food nourishes our bodies.
Be Kind to Yourself!
If your best friend was hurting or having a bad day, what would you do for him or her? Would you take them to a spa? Would you take time out of your day to bring them something they like if they were sick? Would you get them tickets and take them to the movie they have been waiting desperately to come out? Of course, you would take the time to do any of those things for your best friend if that person was unhappy.
You wouldn’t think twice about making sure to make that person smile and make their day better if you could. Well some days, you need to look yourself in the mirror and see that you need to be your own best friend.
What happens if you don’t have the time or money to do something special for yourself like that? Well, there are other ways to be kind to yourself, but they can be a bit more challenging.
Silence your Inner Critic
Telling yourself you are okay as you are, or you are enough, just exactly as you are can be some of the hardest things to do and to believe. But it will pay off in spades if you try. Allowing yourself to make mistakes without criticizing is equally hard, but equally good for your mental and emotional well-being. It may sound trite but you can’t be there for all the people in your life if you aren’t there for yourself first.
When your energy is low or you feel drained by all the stresses in your life, my main suggestion is to be kind to yourself, in whatever way you can manage that day.